
Welcome to my blog!

I would like to share some landscaping and cooking with people who share the same interests! I am a landscaper who lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with my husband. I am originally from Taiwan, R. O. C. Although, I have been cooking since I was young, I never baked anything before I came to Canada. My Greek mother-in-law inspires me about baking.

I love nature as well as cooking and planting! It is fun to try different food and plants so I often do some experiments. Let me know if you like my blog posts, please feel free to discuss and comment.



366 則迴響

366 thoughts on “About

  1. Yours is an enviable profession. To work with the earth, to create beautiful garden must be such a joy. Although I live in Vancouver, I spend a lot of time in Toronto and know it well. I am a retired chef and also have a food blog. MRS. BUTTERFINGERS.COM. Perhaps you pop into my kitchen and join me. Virginia

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your photos of the crocuses. Great shots! You have a lot of great info here, I’ll be back! Where in Taiwan are you from? I lived in Taiwan from 1971 to 1973 in Tainan. I loved it there and would return in heartbeat if given the chance!

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog. What better things could there be but food and flowers! What a treat having a Greek mother-n-law…how fun it would be to learn cooking form her. I look forward to following you and your adventures in the garden as well as kitchen—my two favorite places to be 🙂
    Blessing to you—Julie

  4. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the “like" on my recent post. I’m happy you enjoyed it, and I appreciate your visit to my site.

    Your blog is lovely, too! I enjoyed it very much, and I like the design and colors you chose. Very pretty and soothing.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking the photo “Pink Anthuriam in the shade". I have similar interests as yourself and love to try out different recipes. I would try your Chinese recipe for good vision if I had the dried ingredients mentione in the post! Thanks for sharing such health improvement tips.

  6. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog! I have been having a look through your beautiful photos and it is surprising how similar spring is this year in Toronto and Suffolk. I lived very close to Toronto as a child, but can only remember summer and winter when the weather was much more extreme than England. It will be interesting to see how our growing season compares as the year moves on.

  7. 引用通告: Sasau. Husasau de Tinca or Periwinkle | Communication For Development

  8. 引用通告: You’re Wonderful | Mountain Dreaming

  9. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving the following comment:

    -[[ I am a landscaper who love plants and design gardens. And like everyone else, I like to eat and experiment with recipes.

    I am happily married and live in Toronto, Ontario.

    Sharing Seeds 種子分享
    If you live in Ontario and would like to get my extra plant seeds or exchange some, please leave me a message. ]]-

    I, too, am happily married, but I do not live in or near Toronto; my home is in Southern California.

    There are few pleasures as satisfying as growing one’s own food, and enjoying freshly harvested fruits and vegetables.

    Gardening has been a part of my life for over 70 years, and I still consider myself to be a novice.

    Thanks for sharing the photos of your wonderful garden.

    Clint in Southern California

    • Thank you Clint for visiting and commenting my blog today! I am growing some plants from seeds, kind of challenging, you have to constantly checking and watering them, some require long waiting and refrigeration period.

      This late winter I started some food seedlings for my veggie planters! 🙂 I enjoy seeing them grow, of course I enjoy eating them more..

      I experiment different fertilizer for my clients’ and my own plants, I hope this year my one rose bush will hold the record as last year 2500+ roses! Only time will tell…I used different fertilizer combination this year so we will see.

  10. You have a wonderful blog and I look forward to exploring it further! Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my recent post “A Flower Blooms" – your support is appreciated! 🙂

    • 謝謝你對我部落格的喜愛,你在大學學漢語的主要目的是什麼呢? 從商? 就學? 做研究? 如果學漢語是研究文化那你有空應該多學習繁體字才好. 若是商業上的使用則有限.

      你留言是為了交流的練習吧? 找來自中國的人來練習也許比較適合你. 祝你學習愉快!

      • 我学习人类学和汉语, 我学习人类学专业。 主要目在大學學是科学, 文学, 音乐, 文化, 经济。 我学习文化和语的中国,我们学多现代汉语, 少繁體汉语。我想我太正式了,我不熟练! 🙂 我不要学习汉语商業上,我学习因为我爱中国,我爱文化和语。我想是一个歌曲: “我爱你中国!" (我们的老师教我们多歌曲。) 我留言是為了交流,我很高兴因为机会学。
        I’m not sure how to write this in Chinese, but if you have any tips or corrections for my Chinese, please let me know. I only want to get better. 😉

      • Your original writing as below:

        我学习人类学和汉语, 我学习人类学专业。 主要目在大學學是科学, 文学, 音乐, 文化, 经济。 我学习文化和语的中国,我们学多现代汉语, 少繁體汉语。我想我太正式了,我不熟练! 🙂 我不要学习汉语商業上,我学习因为我爱中国,我爱文化和语。我想是一个歌曲: “我爱你中国!" (我们的老师教我们多歌曲。) 我留言是為了交流,我很高兴因为机会学。

        You actually meant:

        我在大學學的是人類學和漢語學,人類學是我的主修科目。 其它副修的科目尚有:科學,文學,音樂,文化以及經濟學。 我學習的是漢語的語言和文化,並不常有機會使用繁體字。

        “我想我太正式了,我不熟练!"–What are you trying to express? Maybe you meant:我需要多多練習課堂上所學. 我並不想學商業用的普通話,因為我是為了喜愛中國的文化和語言而學習漢語的。 如同"我愛你中國!"內這一首歌的歌詞。(I don’t know that song so I have no idea why.) (我們的老師教了我們許多中文歌曲.) 留言是為了找機會交流,我很高興能有機會學習!

        You still need more practice adjectives. You still think in English… Find a good teacher will save you lots of time!

        Happy learning!


  11. 您好,我是台灣「花草遊戲雜誌」編輯 Fancy,看到你在部落格上po的花園,不知道您是否有意願刊登於雜誌讓更多讀者得見花園之美呢?如蒙應允,希望能以email聯繫以便進一步說明 ^_^

  12. Based on your blog’s purpose, you would enjoy meeting and talking with Susanna Foo, a highly regarded chef in the Philadelphia area. I interviewed her for my forthcoming book, which contains some NEW recipes from the subject of the book, CHEF TELL, The Biography of America’s Pioneer TV Showman Chef, forewords by TV hosts, Regis Philbin and Chef Walter Staib (PBS’ A Taste of History series).

  13. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post “Pfingstrosen frisch vom Acker / Peonies fresh from the field”. I’m still pretty new in the blogging business and happy for everyone stopping by. Wish you a wonderful summer day.

  14. Hi, Food and Flowers! I look forward to reading about the cvooking and gardening adventures of someone at the opposite end of the continent. I am in Memphis, TN, and I’m sure our weather is very different. Thanks for the like on my blog!

    • Thank you, too! I am glad you like my blog, the climate here is a lot of colder and longer in winter for sure! But you still can grow nice plants and enjoy winter activities if you want! 🙂 I usually make more food in winter time when I can not do any gardening.

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I’m hoping to get into more gardening, especially medicinal herbs and sustainability. Will follow, as your blog looks great and I’m sure I can learn a lot.

  16. I hope that I will really enjoy when bake it first. But I ptomise I wil do it, but at the moment it is winter so I have to wait till summer and growing squash, Till now, I cooked different dishes of the squash but I haven’t known that it can be used for bread.Now I know so I will try to bake it.:-)

  17. great! i’m so glad that if found your cool page I will be saving this for later!
    – real estate washington state is an interest of mine and
    and your “About | My Food And Flowers" article is definately great work.

    great stuff, I’ll check back again real soon!

  18. Bonjour-Ni hao from Toulouse, France! 🙂 glad to have come across your awesome blog… I’ve been to Taiwan 4 times, I love your native country! My son graduated from the Chengchi University of Taipei(international trade and relations), he speaks and writes Chinese and Japanese fluently!
    My very best, friendly greetings and cheers! 🙂 Mélanie

      • I do miss Taiwan and our Taiwanese friends… our son was a very good student, he even impressed the Mayor of Taipei who had come for a conference at the department of commerce as Edouard(our son) was the only European student(by then), his mandarin Chinese was so fluent that he got a one year-scholarship! 🙂 He lives with his Taiwanese girlfriend(ex University classmate!) and they both work in Paris, France… small world, right?! 🙂
        * * *
        P.S. I have good “old" friends in Canada: in Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver… been there twice during our 5 years spent in Houston, Texas, USA…

  19. Wonderful blog and images! My roommate in graduate school was from Taiwan and had not done any baking either until she came to the United States. She loved learning and I loved teaching her!

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and liking my post A is for Acceptance. I like your about section. Food and gardenign, two of my favorite topics. I also love your inclusion of your language. Nice touch. Greek mother-in-law, love it! BTW: I have family in Toronto and live two hours south just on the other side of the US Border.

  21. Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I’m originally from Canada, but now live in Australia. What inspired me to start blogging about my garden was that there is always something in bloom here year round, unlike Canada…I see we share two passions–food and flowers. I look forward to following your blog, too. All the best.

    • Hi Rhonda, Greeting from Canada. Thank you for visiting and commenting my blog! I love to experiment plants and food so feel free to give any suggestion! In Australia you might find you enjoy longer planting season and different local native plants, please share with all viewers. Thanks! — Jane

  22. Thank you for visiting my blog and also for the “like".
    You have such a beautiful presence here on WordPress. If I am not writing, then I am out in my garden. It is one place where I always find peace and contentment. I look forward to reading every post you have to offer.

  23. Hi! Just wanted to say you have a beautiful blog. Cooking and gardening are two things that blend so well together. You’re pictures of the flowers you’ve grown are lovely! Cheers and happy gardening to you 🙂

  24. I am so glad to have met you via my blog. I look forward to following your blog and getting to know you better. I too love flora and fauna, and also landscape scenery in the various places we visit. I spent the first 60 years of my life in South Africa, and have a deep love of the land and its wonderful scenery. Now I live in Stratford-upon-Avon in England (having married an Englishman). England is also a very beautiful country – a much gentler beauty than that in South Africa. We also travel a lot, so I get to see landscapes in various parts of Europe, as well as in the USA.

    • Love travelling! 🙂 But we are usually very busy in spring and fall for landscaping business. You must have seen lots of exotic plants and have some favorite ones in your garden. I like to grow plants from seeds so I get to know plants from they are sprout! Like to grow up with babies.. 🙂

  25. I absolutely love your blog! I owe Leanne Cole many thanks, as I found your blog on here site, I would never have known about you if it were not finding you “LIKE" to one of her recent posts on her blog! I love food, cooking and absolutely lover my flowers! You do a fantastic job!

  26. Thank you for the like on my ‘Flowers Have Visitors’ post.

    What a great blog you have, and written in English and Chinese! I have not seen most of the plants I reviewed on the few pages I read. My wife and I will be enjoying your posts.

    My own blog covers nature photography and cooking, along with a few other topics from time to time. We have six daughter, five of whom were adopted from the People’s Republic of China. We have visited several mainland cities but have never been to Taiwan. I would like to visit there some day.

    Please stop by again – we are at atrivialmindatwork.com!!

  27. I love your photos. Only a few places in Australia have the intensity of the colours of deciduous trees like the ones in your photos. I like your bird photos on the cosmos. I really love birds and flowers. Thanks for sharing yours.

  28. Thank you for liking my post on desertmoonmusings! There are actually many flowers that bloom here in the desert but it’s so hard to find info on them online because the seasons are skewed (like, right now, it’s spring elsewhere whereas here, flowers are on the way to their death).

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