Dead Man’s Fingers (Decaisnea fargesii) 死人手指/貓兒屎

Dead Man’s Fingers (Decaisnea fargesii) 死人手指/貓兒屎


Dead Man’s Fingers (Decaisnea fargesii) seeds. 死人手指/貓兒屎種子.

Hardy shrub with edible fruit.  Deciduous.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.   Yellowish green bell shaped flowers in summer, followed by seedpods like fruit which ripe to blue colour in late fall.  Plant produces male and female flowers.  Flowers are fragrant at night, no fragrance in day time.  The clear fleshy seed coating is edible.  USDA Zones:6-10.  Mature size:10′-12′(H) X 8′-10′(W).  Propagate by seeds.  Medicinal.  Good for winter interest.

木通科貓兒屎屬的耐寒強健的落葉灌木. 原生於亞洲喜馬拉雅山區南部.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  夏天開黃綠色鐘形花,秋末果莢成熟轉成藍色.  植株開雄花與雌花.  花於夜晚有香味,但白天沒有味道. 它的透明種子囊是微甜可以食用的. 耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高10-12呎,寬幅8-10呎. 繁殖以種子為主.   有藥用價值.  其冬天的藍色果莢具有觀賞價值.

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