Tag Archive | French Lilac (lilac single) flowers in spring. 春天的單瓣淡紫色的法國紫丁香花序.

How to grow Lilac from seeds 紫丁香種子孵法

How to grow Lilac from seeds 紫丁香種子孵法

French Lilac (bicolour single) flowers in spring. 春天綻放的法國雙色單瓣紫丁香的花序.

French Lilac (bicolour single) flowers in spring. 春天綻放的法國雙色單瓣紫丁香的花序.

French Lilac (lilac single) flowers in spring. 春天的單瓣淡紫色的法國紫丁香花序.

French Lilac (lilac single) flowers in spring. 春天的單瓣淡紫色的法國紫丁香花序.

French Lilac (double white) flowers in spring. 白色重瓣的法國紫丁香春天的花.

French Lilac (double white) flowers in spring. 白色重瓣的法國紫丁香春天的花.

Major blooming time in spring but with pruning and fertilization it can bloom again in fall.

French Lilac (purple double) flowers in fall for the second time in the same year. 春天開過秋天又開的紫色重瓣的法國紫丁香花序.

French Lilac (purple double) flowers in fall for the second time in the same year. 春天開過秋天又開的紫色重瓣的法國紫丁香花序.

Korean Lilac in spring. 矮性單瓣韓國紫丁香春天的花序.

Korean Lilac in spring. 矮性單瓣韓國紫丁香春天的花序.


Lilac seeds. 紫丁香種子.

Lilac seeds. 紫丁香種子.

French Lilac seed sprouts.法國紫丁香種子發芽了.

French Lilac seed sprouts.法國紫丁香種子發芽了.

French Lilac seedling. 法國紫丁香白色重瓣實生苗.

French Lilac seedling. 法國紫丁香白色重瓣實生苗.

Direct sow if you have lots of seeds.   Or you can grow seeds in the pot in the fall or in spring.


1.Prepare a pot or container fills with potting soil.


2.Moist the soil in the pot.  Sow the seeds on top with space. Do not cover seeds.  Cover the pot or container with re-sealable clear bag or plastic bag to keep the moist and heat.  Open to check the seeds once a week for air circulation and progress.  Seeds will germinate around 3 to 4 weeks.

2.點播於小苗盆上不覆土. 用夾鍊袋/塑膠袋封起後,等發芽. 一週檢查一次順便透氣. 約3-4個禮拜發芽.

3.After seeds sprout, pick up the seeds carefully and plant them in the individual pot.  Place them in partial shade location with good air flow.  Keep seedling moist.

3.出芽後1個種子單獨一小盆為佳. 置於半日照通風處生長. 要保持一定濕度.

4.Change to full sun location once seedlings have at least 6 leaves.
