Tag Archive | 耐蔭常綠地被植物

How to grow Bergenia from seeds 青海白菜(岩白菜)種子孵法

How to grow Bergenia from seeds 青海白菜種子孵法

Bergenia flowers in spring. 春天開花的青海白菜.

Bergenia flowers in spring. 春天開花的青海白菜.

Bergenia flowers. 春天時青海白菜的開花照.

Bergenia flowers. 春天時青海白菜的開花照.

Bergenias as ground cover with other plants. 青海白菜作為常綠地被和其它植物一起呈現多樣化.

Bergenias as ground cover with other plants. 青海白菜作為常綠地被和其它植物一起呈現多樣化.

Bergenia seeds. 青海白菜種子.

Bergenia seeds. 青海白菜種子.

Day 6 of Bergenia seedlings.  More than half of seeds germinated. 青海白菜的孵種進度--第6天開始伸出小白腿了!超過半數的種子已出.

Day 6 of Bergenia seedlings. More than half of seeds germinated. 青海白菜的孵種進度–第6天開始伸出小白腿了!超過半數的種子已出.

Day 24 of Bergenia seedlings. All of seeds turn green. 青海白菜的孵種進度第24天種苗全綠了.

Day 24 of Bergenia seedlings. All of seeds turn green. 青海白菜的孵種進度第24天種苗全綠了.

Bergenia seedling has the first leaf. 青海白菜(岩白菜)種苗長出第一片本葉.

Bergenia seedling has the first leaf. 青海白菜(岩白菜)種苗長出第一片本葉.

Bergenia seedling has moret leaves. 青海白菜(岩白菜)種苗長出更多葉片.

Bergenia seedling has moret leaves. 青海白菜(岩白菜)種苗長出更多葉片.

Bergenia is very hardy evergreen perennial.  Mature size is about 20-30cm in height.  Green foliage turn purple red in fall.  Bergenia crassifolia ‘Autumn Red’ is more obvious. Drought tolerant once established.  Prefers partial shade location.

青海白菜(Bergenia crassifolia)是岩白菜屬的一個品種.高約20-30cm,葉呈匙狀常綠冬呈紫紅色,非常耐寒耐蔭,有的品種的耐旱性不差. Bergenia crassifolia ‘Autumn Red’是冬天葉色有明顯由綠轉紫紅秋色的品種.

Here is how to grow Bergenias from seeds 青海白菜(岩白菜)種子孵法

The best is grow in fall or winter, the second best time is in spring.  Seedlings usually  flower next year.

以秋冬播種為主,春播次之. 從種子發芽到隔年即能開花.

1.Use a clean container with lid to fill with potting soil.


2.Seeds are rather small so moist the soil first then vibrate them on the paper by gently tapping the paper in line.


3.Keep the lid on, place the container in partial shade warm environment.  They should germinate around 2-3 weeks.


4.Keep seedling in partial shade location after seed germinated.  When they have 4 true leaves than they are can be transplanted to ground or individual pot in place is partial shade with good air flow.    Do not let seedlings dry out.

4.繼續保濕在半日照環境到長出4片本葉後再移植到個別盆植或地植.  要通風良好的半日照並保濕不要讓小苗乾掉.

4.種子發芽後要繼續保濕半日照,長到4片本葉後移植成一株一盆或地植在半日照通風的環境. Have fun!  種植愉快!