Tag Archive | 耐寒

糖果射干Candy Lily (Pardancanda norrisii)

Pardancanda norrisii, common name is candy lily. 36″ high. Candy lilies are hybrids between Belamcanda chinensis and Pardanthopsis dichotoma.
Candy Lily–Pardancanda norrisii此種糖果射干為中國種射干和Pardanthopsis dichotoma射干雜交而來. 有多種混合花色像是糖果花色,故名. 耐寒性不差. 花期為7-9月. 容易自行結子繁殖,成熟株高連花莖為3呎.
2013-08-21 073 (Medium)2013-08-21 074 (Medium)

Hardy Water Lily Nymphaea ‘Fire Crest’耐寒睡蓮

2013-08-10 013 (Medium)2013-08-10 014 (Medium)Hardy Water Lily Nymphaea ‘Fire Crest’耐寒睡蓮
Good for medium to small ponds (or containers), 3-5″ flower in diameter, pink, fragrant! Easy to grow and coldness hardy!
耐寒的睡蓮,適合中小型的池塘(容器)種植,花徑約有3-5吋,花色粉紅,有怡人香味! 容易栽種且耐寒!2013-08-09 004 - Copy (Medium)

Clematis alpina seed collecting採收高山鐵線蓮種子

Clematis alpina seed collecting採收高山鐵線蓮種子
This is the look when it flowered this May.
2013-05-22 041 - Copy (Medium)
2013-08-09 028 (Medium)
And these are the seeds…they remind me the images of sperm shown in biology class…

Broad-leaved Helleborine(Epipactis helleborine)小河蘭

Broad-leaved Helleborine(Epipactis helleborine)小河蘭
This is one of the common native orchids in Ontario, Canada. I see them free flowering in July/August under big trees. No fragrance, flower size is small about 1cm (3/8″) across on a flower stem, seed pods usually mature around October, self seeded. Mature plant height is almost 60 cm (24″), they prefer shade.
北美原生的小河蘭,成熟植株約達2呎高,夏天7月/8月開花,十月種子達成熟會爆開,種子粉狀細小,容易生長繁殖,喜生長在陰暗的大樹下. 花無香味,有逐漸城市化的趨勢.
2013-07-21 013 (Medium)

Tree Peony is blooming!牡丹花開!

Tree Peony is blooming!牡丹花開!
Because the temperature lately were so warm, from buds to full bloom just like magic! The fragrance is so powerful, the whole garden seem full of its beautiful scent! 🙂
最近氣溫很高,從含苞待放到完全盛開的速度之快,如同變魔術一般! 濃郁的強香瀰漫著整個花園. 🙂
2013-05-22 004 (Medium)2013-05-22 003 (Medium)2013-05-21 039 (Medium)2013-05-20 021 (Medium)

Creeping thyme is blooming! 匍匐性百里香開花了!-part one

Creeping thyme is blooming! 匍匐性百里香開花了!
2013-05-20 002 (Medium)2013-05-20 003 (Medium)2013-05-20 004 (Medium)2013-05-20 014 (Medium)2013-05-20 033 (Medium)2013-05-20 005 (Medium)2013-05-20 016 (Medium)2013-05-20 025 (Medium)2013-05-20 007 (Medium)

巴西耐寒的大花西番蓮Brazilian Passion Flower Vine (Passiflora caerulea) -update

2013-02-05 002
巴西耐寒的大花西番蓮Brazilian Passion Flower Vine (Passiflora caerulea) -update
2013-04-17 027 (Medium)
They are about 7″ tall now and keep growing… 小苗現在約有7吋高,努力長高中…

巴西耐寒的大花西番蓮Brazilian Passion Flower Vine (Passiflora caerulea)

2013-02-05 002巴西耐寒的大花西番蓮Brazilian Passion Flower Vine (Passiflora caerulea)

Zone 5! They are the ones I really want! In the past, I have only seen the tropical ones (Zone 9) selling in the nurseies and garden centres. This year I decide to grow from seeds. After one month sitting in the freezer and then plant them in the supermarket mushroom container with some soil, I then place whole thing in a clear plastic bag. Daytime put near heat register so it is quite warm, put them in the fridge to keep cool at night before I go to sleep. They are in and out of my fridge for 2 weeks now, I saw the first sprout (the pink one)today!

一般園藝店賣的都不耐寒. 除了秋末要整大盆搬進屋渡過漫長的冬天外就是當一年生的將它賜死,因為植株不便宜所以今年看到這耐寒品系就決定來孵種子了!

冰箱冷凍了一個月後拿出來種在洋菇盒裡的淺土,再用透明塑膠袋紮起來放在溫暖的地方. 睡前再整包冰進冰箱冷藏. 早上再拿出來. 如此2周就可發芽,今天已有一顆有芽了!


十一月花園November Garden

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchard'

Clematis ‘Comtesse de Bouchard’

Spiderwort 大花鴨跖草

Toadlily 台灣油點草(白色葉緣)




英國薰衣草,玫瑰花,金銀花,毛地黃,野生直立的風鈴草,塊莖小芝麻,菊花,金盞花,Coreopsis,台灣油點草,鐵線蓮,矮性荷包牡丹,銀蓮花(秋牡丹),大花鴨跖草,多年生高性福祿考,大波斯菊,貓薄荷,天人菊…等加上室內的蟹爪仙人掌也盛開中.  有的雖仍綻放但是花量已經很少,作為參考倒是很容易能和其他月份比較.


 Christmas Cactus蟹爪仙人掌

Christmas Cactus蟹爪仙人掌

Blanket Flower 天人菊

Blanket Flower 天人菊

Rosa 'The Blaze' 蔓玫

English Lavender 英國薰衣草
Catnip 貓薄荷
Calendula 金盞花
Rosa ‘The Blaze’ 蔓玫


Foxglove 毛地黃

Garden Phlox多年生直立福祿考

Autumn Mum 秋菊