Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬

Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬

Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬

Finger Lime comes with different colors of lime pearls inside. But the taste is the same. (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬的果粒根據品種果粒的顏色有所不同. 但吃起來都一樣.

Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬

Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬 You can cut the fruit from middle and then you can easily squeeze the lime pearls out to garnish your sea food. These lime pearls look like fish eggs! 從中間切開果實後可以輕易將如魚卵的果粒擠出.

Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬

Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬

Finger Lime as its name, the fruit size is as a finger. (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬正如其名,果實如手指大小.

Finger Lime as its name, the fruit size is as a finger. (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬正如其名,果實如手指大小.

Finger Lime package bought from supermarket. (Citrus australasica) 超市買的手指檸檬小盒.

Finger Lime package bought from supermarket. (Citrus australasica) 超市買的手指檸檬小盒.

Today my husband and I have bought these finger limes to try!  There are 3 different lime pearls inside.  Although they taste just the same.  The fruit fragrance smells close to regular lime. Not as fragrant or acidic as lemon.  These lime pearls do look like fish eggs!

今天在超市買到一小盒手指檸檬,是3種顏色混合的.  乍看以為都一樣的,切開看才知道內容果粒的顏色不一樣. 果粒酸度和聞起來的香氣比較接近青檸,沒有黃檸檬來的香和酸.

This 85g small package sold in supermarket for CDN$19.99  I think it is over priced.  😦  But consider that I might able to grow them from seeds for fun so we still bought it.  One fruit has 0-1 seed in average. The larger fruit do contain 2 seeds each.  But the most of seeds so far are not large and firm so I am not sure if they are viable or not.  Perhaps they can be germinated this way already, it doesn’t hurt to give them a try anyways.

一小盒85克這裡賣20元加幣,是很貴! 😦 不過看在很好奇它的滋味和可能有種子可以種的份上還是買了.   一個小小的果實內種子數是0-1個.  但較大顆的果實有到2顆種子的.  看大部份的種子都不是很優的飽滿種子,有點失望,但也許這已經足夠孵也說不一定.

The lime pearls or ‘lime caviar’ do look like fish eggs, also the texture… It is more appropriate to use them to garnish sea food!

看起來像是魚卵,吃起來的彈牙口感也像. 的確當食物裝飾是比純吃它合適!

The mature shrub/small tree size: 6′-8′(H) and (W).  Very thorny!  USDA Zones:10-11. Best growing in warmer climate in full sun to partial shade location.

它的成熟灌木高度或寬幅為6-8呎.  植株多刺!  耐熱不耐寒.  最好種植在全日照到半日照溫暖的環境.

Finger Lime seeds germinated! (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬種子發芽了!

Finger Lime seeds germinated! (Citrus australasica) 手指檸檬種子發芽了!

Seeds germinated!  種子發芽了!


Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) young plant. 手指檸檬實生苗.

Reference links: 參考網站連結:

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